A selection of photos of the early season snow around Wanaka- most of them are in the Cardrona Valley. Click on any image to begin a manual slide show…

An ecology initiative featuring nature’s wonders photographed, in southern New Zealand
A selection of photos of the early season snow around Wanaka- most of them are in the Cardrona Valley. Click on any image to begin a manual slide show…
The Snow Farm is a ski area near Wanaka, New Zealand, dedicated to cross-country and nordic skiing [including biathlon, snow-shoeing and tobogganing]
And host to:
The Merino Muster
Worldloppet Race
The Snow Farm, Cardrona, Wanaka, New Zealand
22nd Edition
Early September each year
42 / 21 / 7Km Cross Country Ski Race
Experience one of the Southern Hemisphere’s top XC ski events
The Snow Farm is also open in the summer for mountain biking and hiking
+64 3-443 7542
click on any image to start a slide show
From the bicycle seat this evening ~ Lake Wanaka, Black Peak on the left, Fog Peak in front of the sun…
A typical NZ scene – happy sheep that have just been fed and they’re quite oblivious in their thick wool coats to the heavy snowfalls on the mountains.