Forget the emotional 1080 debate I reckon – it’s a dead duck – the below opens up tremendous opportunities to save our native birds by allowing us to know more as to numbers and distribution.
And something I learnt recently: our beech forests in the South Island and the kauri in North Island both rely entirely on our native birds to pollinate in the name of reproduction!
Loose the birds it seems, and we’ll lose our forests. Then that’d lead to excessively fast run-off in extreme rain events, which in turn are predicted to increase in frequency due to climate change.
[Ruru / morepork ~ photo source Radio NZ]The use of 1080 for pest control is supported by a range of conservation and farming organisations, but opponents claim forests fall silent when the poison is dropped, saying this is evidence of harm to native bird communities…
Read more and listen at the source: Birds call out 1080 silent forest claim